NeoGraft Facial Hair Transplantation in Washington D.C.

Facial Hair Restoration

Do you want to grow a thick, healthy beard? Do you have less facial hair than you would like?

The results from Neograft can create the look you’ve envisioned for yourself. Hair is taken from the grafting site and transplanted into the face to create the thicker and fuller appearance of facial hair. Having a fuller mustache, beard, or sideburns can give you a more rugged, masculine look.

NeoGraft for Facial Hair Restoration

The determining factor for how much facial hair you end up with is genetics. Many men end up with a patchy or uneven amount of facial hair and, until now, their only option has been to shave. At West End Plastic Surgery, we offer the most advanced hair transplant technique available, NeoGraft Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE).

NeoGraft FUE is a huge improvement from the strip method—also known as Follicular Unit Transplant—that would leave a linear scar on the scalp in the process. Neograft FUE technology uses an automated system to gently remove individual hair follicles from the graft site and transfer them to the face. Groupings of 1-4 harvested hairs are generally taken from the back and at the base of the head, where they are thick and health. The extracted follicles are then placed in the facial area where they can be groomed, shaped, and grown to any length just as native hair follicles do. Overtime it should prove difficult to tell the transplanted follicles apart from the original hair.

In addition to the amazing results, this is an outpatient procedure done under local anesthesia so there is very little downtime, and you quickly return to your normal activities.


The Benefits of NeoGraft Facial Hair Transplantation

With this new and improved technique to transplant hair to the face, the benefits include:

  • No incisions, scalpels, stitches, or staples
  • Natural-looking results
  • Scarring is practically invisible
  • Quick recovery time
  • Minimal to no pain or discomfort
  • Least invasive method of hair transplantation available
  • Quick procedure time
  • Only need a local anesthetic to perform

Read what our patients are saying!

"I can't recommend West End Plastic Surgery enough! This was one of the best surgical experiences I have had in a long time. You can't go wrong with the team at West End Plastic Surgery. From the time of my consultation to my one month post op check in everything went as it was explained to me and my results were phenomenal. West End Plastic Surgery treats their patients very well. The doctors, staff and nurses are all so kind and welcoming and very knowledgeable. I look forward to going back and I definitely will!"

- Visibe

Click here to read more reviews.

Am I a Candidate for a Facial Hair Transplant?

Ideal candidates for a facial hair transplant are those who are in overall good health, non-smokers, and do not suffer from any underlying medical conditions that may make it difficult to recover from the procedure. Most candidates for facial hair transplants have major scarring in their beard area, uneven hair growth across the face, or inability to grow hair in certain areas of the face. While adults can undergo a facial hair transplant at any age, if you are under 25, we recommend waiting a few additional years as most candidates’ facial hair can thicken as they approach the age of 30.

If you have chronic health issues such as diabetes, skin infection, or heart disease, this procedure may not be recommended for you and may cause you further health complications.

What Can I Do to Prepare for My Facial Hair Transplant?

Preparing ahead of time for your facial hair transplant surgery can help in making your procedure and the entire recovery process a lot easier. Some patients begin preparation for their hair transplant a few weeks before by participating in the following:

  • Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun: It’s important to use sunscreen or stay covered when outside. Operating on healthy, unburned skin is essential with this procedure.
  • Avoid alcohol at least one week before your transplant. This helps your body be as healthy as possible in anticipation of its recovery period.
  • Avoid supplements and medication. Consult your primary doctor about whether or not it’s safe for you to stop medication before your procedure. We recommend avoiding additional medication so as to not interfere with the ones given before and after your transplant.
  • Avoid hair loss medications or at-home treatments. Unless otherwise recommended by the doctor you have your first consultation with, it’s best practice to avoid any hair loss remedies at this time.
  • Stop smoking. Quitting smoking or avoiding it at least six weeks before your procedure can benefit your body and help with optimal health and healing during recovery.

How Long Will the Procedure Take?

Using NeoGraft, our facial hair transplant procedure typically takes anywhere between six to 12 hours. However, this period of time may change depending on how much hair needs to be transplanted and the patient’s overall goals.

At West End Hair Restoration Center, we prioritize patient safety and comfort, and some patients undergo a mild sedative before their procedure to help them relax. This may contribute to the length of your procedure, but most patients only need anesthesia to keep the lower half of their face numb during the transplant.

Facial Hair Transplant Recovery

The revolutionized hair transplantation technology, NeoGraft FUE has a quicker recovery than previous techniques. Immediately following the procedure, the transplantation area is covered with a bandage to be kept clean for 24 hours. In just a few short days, the pinpoint extractions shrink and become imperceptible with no presence of a vertical scar. It takes about a week for the extraction sites to completely heal and for you to wash your hair and face as usual.

A few weeks after the procedure, the newly transplanted hair follicles will shed. This is a normal response to their relocation, and they will then begin to produce natural hairs. Within 6-9 months, the full result will be visible and will prove to have been well worth the wait leaving you with thicker and fuller facial hair.

How Long Will the Results From My Facial Hair Transplant Last?

Most patients will see visible results from their hair transplant within 90 to 100 days after their procedure as their new hair grows in. Within six months, patients will begin to notice new hair growing as if it was their own. The results from a facial hair transplant are permanent, and patients can enjoy a natural-looking regrowth from their new hair for a lifetime.

Schedule a Consultation

At West End Restoration, we understand how important it is to feel good about your beard and the way you look, and that can be difficult to achieve without the right help. Contact our highly experienced doctors today to find out if a facial hair transplant is right for you. We are proud to serve patients all across Washington, D.C. Click here to schedule your first consultation with us, or call 202-785-4187 for more information.


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